Thursday, July 5, 2012

Week 7: Blog Hop News, Advice, and Giveaway

Plum and June
Weekly calendar: (be sure to visit these blogs this week to meet these fun bloggers, learn more about them, and see their great tutorials prepared especially for the blog hop!)
July 3
    Di from Willowbeck Designs
    Jennifer from Knotted Thread  
July 5
    Sarah from Sarah Lou
    Catherine from Knotted Cotton
Click here to find links to the awesome tutorials from the last six weeks and to see some fantastic events currently being hosted by blog hoppers. 

Plum and June
This week's advice post is by Sara from Sew Sweetness.  I think I've been a follower of Sara's blog for awhile but she really stood out to me when she made the most adorable dress entirely out of one of my most favorite fabrics- Melody Miller's typewriters.  I've also been visiting her wonderful blog a lot recently to read all the great pattern reviews from Purse Palooza.  Here is what she had to say.

1.  What do you think is most important for new quilting bloggers to know?  Were you given some advice when you started blogging that you could pass on?
If you are a new blogger, I would say it's a great idea to join in on a weekly linky party (Canoe Ridge Creations has one, and Freshly Pieced has a W.I.P. (work-in-progress) one, both of which are really good.) The point of a linky party is to post your project for the week, and visit/comment on the other projects that you see posted. That way, you meet other bloggers and become familiar with the people around you.

2.  Is there anything you now know that you wish you would have known when you started your blog?
At the beginning, I thought I had to constantly run giveaways to get new followers. Giveaways are great for drawing people in, but they might not always be interested in continuing to read after the giveaway is over. I would say concentrate on sewing great projects that people enjoy seeing and are inspired by, and you'll get your followers.
              Image from Sew Sweetness

3.  What is your advice for growing readership?  Any advice on using social media to do so?

I like the idea of posting your projects/progress across several media outlets. I'm not saying to jump in and do all right from the get-go, because that can be overwhelming. But slowly add another over time. For instance, you've got your blog set up. Start by joining the weekly linky parties. Then, when you're comfortable, whenever you finish a project (or make good progress, or buy some new fabric), post the pictures on Flickr, with a link in the photo's description linking back to the blog post related to that photo. You can link up your blog to a Facebook page/fansite using Networked Blogs, which automatically posts the link to each blog post within minutes after you post it to your blog. You can set the same thing up with Twitter. Pinterest is also great for finding things you like via pinning other people's things (and hopefully they will see your blog and pin something of yours!). I'm not using Instagram yet, but that's another option.

The reason for having access to all these outlets is that everyone gets their fix in a different way. I favor Facebook over Twitter, but some folks are on Twitter all the time. If I spread myself out a bit, that maximizes the opportunities for people to see my blog posts.
image from Sew Sweetness

4.  Do you blog surf?  If so, can you pinpoint a few aspects of a new blog that would make you want to become a follower?  And is there anything that would make you want to never visit that blog again?

I used to use my blogger dashboard a bit more than I do now. I'm so busy, that I rely mostly on Facebook to find new blog posts. Everyone does it differently. I like when a blogger is friendly and replies to comments I leave on their blog (or other social media format) because it makes me feel included. If I've commented or asked questions a few times and don't get a response, it kind of turns me off (although people do get busy, so that's why I saw 'few times').

5.  What types of posts are most popular on your blog and what about those posts is it that make them such?  What is your advice for writing interesting posts?

I think, going in, that you should have an idea of what type of blog format you would like to have, and more or less try to stick with it. From the get-go I decided to write sewing pattern reviews every time I finished a project. My format has slightly changed over time, but I mostly stick with the same types of things I post about. For instance, I don't post cooking recipes, vacation photos, or talk about my kids. Okay, I posted one cooking recipe when I very first started! I've posted a couple photos of my kids wearing something I've sewn, but that's about it. I'm not saying that these things are wrong or bad, but it's just not something I wanted to get into on my blog. I think having a plan for your blog helps keep things looking cohesive. 

6.  What tips would you suggest we include in a blog checklist for new quilting bloggers?

                           Image from Sew Sweetness

-matching blog header/sidebar button (which can also be used for your Facebook/Twitter/Flickr avatars)
-clearly marked link or button for people to follow via e-mail, to follow in a reader, to follow on blogger, facebook, etc.
-clearly marked link or button to contact/e-mail you
-a button someone can click on to see groupings of what you do. For example, on my site I have a 'Tutorials' tab on the top of my page that someone can quickly and clearly see what tutorials I've written. In your case, you might have a tab for 'Completed Quilts' or 'Finished Projects' or whatever. Because as your blog posts get older and move farther down, sometimes someone might miss out on seeing something cool you've done. But if you have a tab or button that they can pull all those items up in, they will be seen again and again. :-)

7.  Thinking ahead:  (a) how and when should new bloggers solicit sponsors and (2) how and when should new bloggers seek out ways to be published.

I have never sought out sponsors for my blog; I don't really do much advertising on my blog (I have the BlogHer advertising at the top, but that's not really sewing-related). If that's something you want to do, I would say wait until you have a significant amount of content/followers to merit asking for a sponsor. You want it to be a mutual win-win situation for the sponsor and for you, not just about you asking for 'stuff'.

I don't think there is a minimum for getting published (if you're talking about in magazines.) If you have a good project, even if you're new, it will get picked up. And sometimes you might have to submit 10 things before one gets picked up. Having a completed project (as opposed to just a sketch) can also help a lot in that area. You also want to be sure you are able to write clear and concise instructions (pretend like you have to tell someone over the phone how to complete your sewing sometimes magazines aren't able to publish many step-by-step photos or illustrations, you will be mostly relying on your written instructions.)

Thanks Sara for all your great advice!

Plum and June

I've created a page with links to all the great posts on blogging by bloggers participating in the blog hop and the advice series.   This page will be updated regularly throughout the hop.  And there will be more to come in this space in the coming weeks.  

And this week is Facebook week.  Check out this post that Claire from Sewing Over Pins wrote for the series to help get you started.  I haven't really used facebook yet for my blog but I'm excited to start - you can click here to see my facebook page.  

Also, one of our newest blog hoppers, Chrissie from Made by ChrissieD, just wrote this post about word verification.

This week's giveaway is sponsored by Kate Conklin Designs.  Kate has designed several beautiful modern quilts that she sells in her online shop.  And she has offered up 6 PDFs for this week's giveaway  - so there will 3 winners this week and each of those winners will be able to choose 2 patterns from Kate's shop.  What will you choose?
To enter, all you need to do is leave a comment on this post.  Leave any comment you want to enter but since it is always fun to have a topic, what about this - how do you use social media in your blogging life?  Any suggestions or questions for other bloggers?

One comment per person for an entry (replies to other comments don't count so reply all you want!)  The giveaway will be open until Saturday, July 7, 2012 at 8pm EDT and three winner will be chosen at random.  And, PLEASE, leave an email address unless you are sure that you are not a no-reply blogger.  The winner will be announced in the Week 8 Blog Hop News on Monday, July 9th. 

The winner of last week's giveaway from Contemporary Cloth is #37 Books_Bound (since replies don't count, all the comments were renumbered and only the first comment made by each person counted.)  Congrats!   

  Anyone participating in or following along with the blog hop can add a link.  Please either post the button or a text link somewhere in your post or on your blog and please visit (at the very least) the person who links up right before you and leave a comment!  For fun (actually, an experiment again), when the link tool asks for your name - write down your favorite dessert instead. We'll do that next week - I must have checked the wrong button - I'll blame it on the power outage!!)

Link up your sewing or quilting posts.

1.  10.  19.  
2.  11.  20.  
3.  12.  21.  
4.  13.  22.  
5.  14.  23.  
6.  15.  24.  
7.  16.  25.  
8.  17.  26.  
9.  18.  27.  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


  1. Great post! Sara had lots of good advice. I use Pinterest and Flickr the most. I would like to be more adept at using Facebook and Twitter. I need to streamline the process so I can spend more time sewing and less time on the computer :)

  2. Thanks again Beth, that was a really interesting post from Sara. I tend not to use social media in my "sewing life" - I have a personal Facebook, but it's not at all linked to my blog. For some reason I feel like I need the separation!

  3. My Facebook and Flickr accounts both pre-date my blog, and since I have started blogging the focus of my Flickr account has changed from family photos to sewing/craft photos! I haven't linked my Facebook page to my blog as the audiences for both are very different I think. I'll go and read Claire's post which may well change my mind about that :)I am with Sewing Chick on spending more time sewing!

  4. Fab post again Beth :) I use my personal facebook for friends and my facebook business page alongside Ravelry, Pinterest and Flickr which I'm very new to so haven't fully utilised yet. I don't put too much on my personal fb anymore as the whole point of setting up the fb business page and the blog was to stop bombarding my poor friends with all my creations. I have an RSS Graffiti feed so my blog posts appear directly on my fb business page and I just add a couple of extra photos/comments now and again but really the fb page and the blog mirror each other - it just depends how people want to access what I'm putting out there.

    I spend a lot of time on Pinterest linking everything to it and searching around what everyone else is doing - I've got all the Blog Hop articles on there on my Blog Hop board and then within other boards as well. I love Pinterest for quickly noting your ideas and use it instead of a pinboard/filing cabinet/bookmarks, it's fantastic. And finally, here's some blatant links to my pages ;) and and

  5. social media and me are a bit on a hate it / love it base - I sort of try to seperate the internet from the real world. I have a very nosy family I do love them but I just need some space they can't "invade" so the question is always setting up two accounts? none at all? throw a coin? ... I'm using flickr for the pictures and that's it - I'm playing around with pintrest, but haven't found out what use it might have yet.
    I refuse to use facebook - but that's just me (I can follow you all on my old fashioned RSS-reader in my mail programm). I have yet to make up my mind about twitter.
    [Thank you Sara for the reminder to stay focused on the topic of the blog - is it really worth the trouble to make a button / avatar picture? I mean who would want my button?]

  6. I love Katie Conklin! I have a few quilting related pinterest boards that are chock full of inspiration. Pinterest is wonderful.

  7. I use Flickr, but that's about it. I figure I'll eventually have to get into other media, but with two small boys, I'm already limited on sewing time, and I hesitate to give up more! :)

  8. Oh how fun! I would love to win. Thanks for the chance!

  9. I use twitter to announce when I have a new post. I also use it as a means of connecting with the quilting community. I have a flickr account and a pinterest account, but I haven't taken advantage of them in terms of blogging yet. For Facebook, I think I need a new fb account. My Facebook account is really geared more toward my personal and professional life...not quilting.

  10. My blogging "life" consists only of reading blogs. I have avoided social media because I don't need any more distractions from the real world -- the computer gobbles up enough of my time as it is!

  11. Thanks for the info on setting up a facebook page, very helpful.

  12. My FB account is used only for friends and family. I love Pinterest but wouldn't know where to start linking it to my blog. I feel lucky to get a post to look like I want it to, let alone link anything. How do you put things on different pages?

  13. I use twitter for giveaways and to tweet that i've blogged...I use FB for most things and Google+. I'm not that keen on flicker...

  14. I use flickr and pinterest. I have a blog, but am not too good with it. Thanks for the info on blogging. Great giveaway! Thanks for th chance
    to win!


  15. Thanks for another really helpful post from Sara. I'm trying to avoid the social media thing, but I wonder if anyone who does will eventually feel that they are missing the party!

  16. I am just getting into the social media realm. I have a facebook page for my blog, I have an instagram account and a twitter account. I however, am not very regular about posting on them. I would love to know how to link your blog posts so they show up on your facebook or twitter page! Oh and I love pinterest!

    1. Lori search for the RSS Graffiti app (2.0 beta) on facebook or on the web - it does it all for you and it's free :)

  17. I don't blog yet but am learning a lot from this series so that I start off correctly. I personally like it when a blog has multiple ways to subscribe.

  18. I have a facebook account but haven't ventured into Twitter yet. I keep thinking about it but I don't know how good I'll be at keeping up with so many social media outlets. I don't use facebook enough as it is. I never know what should be on facebook and what should be on the blog. If I add Twitter I'll really be confused. lol And I shouldn't forget I also have a Pinterest that I'm terrible at keeping up with. I haven't pinned in weeks. Yikes!

    Vicki @ Quilting Lodge

  19. I don't blog yet but I have an ever expanding list of blogs I do visit.

  20. I love all the advice! It's so nice and I'm implemented many of the suggestions!

  21. Well I started blogging a few months ago, and sometimes I put pictures of sew or quilt along projects on flickr that other people doing the same project might see, but that's about it!

  22. Another great post! I have a personal facebook page, but currently I'm not up to managing two facebook accounts. And I just joined twitter thanks to the post two weeks ago, but I am a total noob there. Sometimes I feel like all the social media are really just more opportunities for me to be socially awkward!! Thanks for all the great advice :)

  23. ANother great bit of advice - thank you!!! I need to get all my media's to be coordinating. They aren't at the moment so I need to 'brand' myself and be consistent!!

  24. Sarahs tips are all fantastic - I like facebook as I can access it at any time with my phone.

  25. Great advice from Sara! Thank you. I have yet to start using social media. I have signed up for twitter, facebook, pinterest and flickr, but have not linked them to my blog. I think I need to figure out how to really utilize them and learn how to use them. In a way I think I'm affraid of using social media... and keep up with all these outlets is a bit difficult.

  26. Thank you Sara, wonderful tips! And Thanks Kate for your wonderful giveaway you rock! Without social media it'd be really really hard to meet people. I absolutely love flickr and have met so many friends there. I use all the Social Media for inspiration and meeting friends.

  27. I like to use social media to augment my blogging and as a way to connect with people in a different way. It's good for me to use a site like Flickr to have another place to get involved with groups, to meet other quilters, and find inspiration. Thanks for the fabulous advice Sara and for the very generous giveaway Kate! I would love to win any of your terrific patterns. :)

  28. I use Twitter a bit, and I encourage pinning of my materials! I also love pinning other people's stuff, and I'm sad when it's not allowed (though I understand why some make those restrictions). I've yet to venture into Flickr though-- I don't really understand how it is used other than as a photo hosting site?

  29. Thank you for the advice, Sara. I just started Flickr ... Don't have a dedicated FB account yet.... Baby steps as I grow into blogging!

  30. I love Instagram and Twitter :-) It's fun to see and hear about what folks are up to when they share little snippets of their days.

  31. Thank you Sara for all of your insights. I am doing most of the things suggested. I love facebook, twitter and flickr. I use those instead of an RSS feed or google reader - it is just easier for me.

  32. Lovely! I always love to learn more!

  33. Thanks for all the great advice Sara! I have a FB account but it really is for my personal side, I have linked in for the professional side, I have a twitter account but haven't really used it, I have two emails one for everything one for blogging, I have email constantly from work. I signed up for pinterest and would love to know more/use more but afraid it will be a total time drain. I have a Flickr account which I like and do use and my blog. Sometimes just keeping up with my blog and flickr (and work/personal life) is plenty. I guess if I was going to use the others I would need (wish) it to be streamlined where if I posted it in one place it was sent to all the others so I could keep track of who, what, when and where, because I find it really cuts into the sewing time :( Thanks for the giveaway!

  34. I love Kate's patterns - I've been lucky enough to proof read some for her :o)

  35. I hope to win the pattern! I don't use social media yet...

  36. Very thought-provoking post! I use all types of social media to keep up with bloggers I follow, #talknt on Tuesday on Twitter and Flickr for swaps and QALs. Thanks for the chance to win!

  37. Great post. Sara was super informative... I love participating in bees. I use this means to learn from others, plus I love seeing different points of views onquilting. Thanks Beth!

  38. It is nice to find your blog. I ise fb to learn about other vloggers

  39. I typically try to blog often....unless life really gets in the way, and sometimes it does! I also use Flickr..whenever I blog I attach it to my Flickr, I also occasionally tweet my blog post, and every once in awhile I use my Facebook to advertise my blog.

  40. Great Post!
    I don't use social media much.
    I am on Pinterest and love it for quickly referencing thing that interest me.
    I have a blog FB page, but don't have followers and am not sure how to use it best. I need to learn how to have my blog post updated on FB.
    I do flickr and have been involved in bees and swaps.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  41. I still just blog. There are not enough hours in the day for me to tweet or have a Facebook page. Maybe someday!

  42. I use Flickr but it takes so long to load a page (maybe its user error). Mostly I just blog

  43. Great advice! Thanks so much, Sara. I signed up for Twitter, but don't really use it. I also use Facebook, but just for personal stuff. I LOVE Pinterest though. I'll be looking into this Networked Blogs thing -- sounds interesting. Thanks for the giveaway!

  44. I don't blog but definitely make my rounds in reading/browsing. For a creative blog I think it's great to have a Flikr account, I always get disappointed when I get to a blog and they don't have an account or it's not linked to their blog. I'm also a big fan of FB. It's easier for me to browse through everything there (since I'm on alot). Another source I think is underutilized by the quilting community is Tumblr. Tumblr is great to post up quick pictures and some description, perfect for progress and completion photos.

  45. great advice, Sara. And, thanks for the giveaway. I love Kate's patterns.

  46. Great advice offered on blogging! As for how I use social media with my blog - I'm still getting the hang of a lot of it! I have just started linking Flickr pics to the relevant blog posts but that's as far as I've gotten!

    Oh and I love Kate Conklin's designs! They are gorgeous! Thanks for the generous giveaway :)

  47. Such helpful advice, Sara! Thanks so much for sharing! I use Flickr a lot and Twitter a little. I don't have Fabric Mutt up on Facebook yet...too much to manage with everything else at this point, but one of these days I may take the plunge!

  48. I am just a blogger. Have not done twitter and only Facebook in a minor league way

  49. Thanks for a thought provoking post - I blog and use Flickr but not twitter and I keep Facebook for personal stuff. Partly because I find it hard enough to keep up with stuff on my blog and Flickr without adding anything else!

  50. I have a facebook page for my blog, but I just regard it as a way for some of my non-blogger friends to follow along if they want. I only really post my blog posts on there.
    I have a link to my pinterest account from my blog, but I just use pinterest as visual bookmarks. If people want to follow me they are welcome, but I don't use it to promote myself or my blog...

  51. Great post - I learned a lot today reading it.
    I have been thinking recently that I think my current use of Facebook links to my blog is not has productive as it was previously when I just used to add photos of my sewing makes to my newsfeed. I am going to try and change back but its just the time factor involved in sharing posts all over.
    I would love to win this giveaway xxxx

  52. Good post with lots of ideas and tips. Thanks. I too, would like to win this giveaway! Di x

  53. Thanks for the awesome tips! I have a account and would like to include a 'smilebox' in my posts, but have yet to figure that out- thank you for all the info and the chance to win! Mary Ann @

  54. Great advice. Thanks. I primarily use Flickr and pinterest, although I've been toying around with the idea to make a facebook page.

  55. This is a great post! I don't have a blog, but its very interesting learning more about how they work from this blog hop! I don't have a twitter account at all, so I mostly follow up on blogs through facebook or blogger as well as email. Thanks for the chance to win!

  56. I blog - alot - but also am very active on flickr; also have a presence on Pinterest and facebook....

  57. I am have a Flickr and a twitter, but I really only use the Flickr! It is hard for me to manage all the social media, especially since I keep my sewing and personal accounts separate!

  58. I am still getting used to blogging having only just started in June, but I tend to rely on my list of blogs at the side of my own blog that gets updated when there are new posts. There are quite a few blogs from this blog hop that have made it onto my blog list!

  59. I use Flickr, but not very often. I'm on Facebook constantly but I haven't set up a Facebook page for my blog yet. I also LOVE Pinterest!

  60. I don't blog much since mine disappeared but I need to start again!

  61. Great post! I have a twitter account, but tweet very rarely. I am on flickr the most, but enjoy pinterest. I have a personal FB, but not for my blog and I really don't care too since I rarely check it anyway. I appreciate the post!

  62. I have a facebook account but seldom go there. If I wanted to link to my blog I'd get a different one. I don't know anything about twitter not sure I want to.
    I use Picasa for the blog but might do Flicker if I do a Quilt Along on the blog.
    I need to limit my computer time so I can quilt!

  63. I used twitter and FB to stay updates on QAL, giveaway and announcements.

  64. I used twitter, and flickr (kinda!) for social media. I really like the wonky donky and sherbert dreams patterns - very cute!

  65. Thank you for the advice Sara. I think I will start to use flickr more than I have.

  66. Thanks for all the good information. I don't have a blog yet but reading all the posts about blogging and starting a blog has been extremely helpful. I usually prefer to get my blog updates by e-mail. That is where I read them the most and facebook is second. I go to my google reader sometimes but not as often as I would like because of the time involved. I spend way too much time just reading the e-mails.

  67. I am a dreadful example because I don't use any other social media in my blogging life or any other life. I have a fb account but can't remember the last time I spent time there.

  68. I use twitter quite a lot, and I've recently started a facebook page for my blog.. I have a flickr account, but I'm not very good at remembering to update it regularly.. I usually go through fits and starts where I upload a whole pile of photos and then nothing for ages. I should really learn to update it regularly so that it isn't such a big job!

  69. I love to hear blogger's ideas. I use flickr and I keep intending to look at making a quilts page on facebook but there are only so many hours in the day :(


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