Sunday, January 13, 2013

Let's Get Acquainted Monday Link Up

zip pouches in the top photo - made by me
totally scrumptious triple chocolate ice cream pie - made by my husband

Plum and June

1. Link up any recent sewing/quilting posts.
2. In your post or on your blog, pleaseinclude either a text link or a button letting people know about this link up.
3. Visit at least the two bloggers who link up before you and everyone who visits you from this post.
4. When the link tool asks for your name, write down your favorite kind of pie!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


  1. Pretty pouches, but I am really wanting some of that pie. What is it with husbands and deserts? Mine makes the best tiramisu I have ever tasted.

  2. Cute pouches and OMW I really want to try that pie!

  3. Oooo gosh it's a close run thing between the zippy pouches and the pie - they both look yummy!

  4. Great pouches love the colours......Just when I was doing so well with the diet I'm now craving triple chocolate delight. Lucky you :-)

  5. Your zippy pouches are sew cute. It is a good thing we had chocolate cream pie for dessert last night ... I think there is a piece left ... and after seeing your pie, I know what I want for dessert tonight ... mmmmmmmmm ... I Love Pie ... thanks again for running this fun Monday Link-Up ... :) Pat

  6. I am a sugaraholic, but for the first time I may choose that fabric over the pie. Oh my, what is the world coming too!

  7. Super cute pouches. And the pie looks delicious.

  8. Man! I wish my husband made me yummies like that! The pouches are gorgeous :)

  9. Sorry, Beth! I forgot to add my favorite pie to my link....I like Apple...simple girl I know!


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