Monday, August 27, 2012

Blog Hop News 15 and Nursery Versery Contest News

I am so excited that the activity mini quilt I wrote about yesterday was chosen by Rachel at Stitched in Color as one of the finalists in her Nursery Versery Contest!  Click here to see the other finalists and to vote for your favorite (voting is open until midnight EDT tomorrow, Tuesday August 28th.)  

What I am not so excited about is that my sewing machine broke while I was making this - literally at the last step.  I was sewing the front and back together and when I was just about to the third side, my machine stopped (luckily, I was so close to done, I was easily able to hand stitch the rest!)  I gave it the night to rest but it is still not working!  If you read my blog, you probably know that I've been talking about needing a new machine for awhile and the one I've been using is worth less than it would cost to even get a repair estimate.  So, I guess I'll be doing a bit of shopping this week (good thing I have a small backlog of finished sewing projects that I haven't written about here yet!)  If you have any sewing machine suggestions, let me know!

And on to the blog hop:

Plum and June
Bloggers to visit this week:

Aug 28
        Lucy from Charm About You
        Ella from throw a wench in the works
Aug 30
       Elaine from Dashasel Sews
       Jess from The Elven Garden

The winner of last week's giveaway from Skye Reve Fabrics is Nat at Made in HomeAugust 20, 2012 5:41 AM.  Yay!  I'll be contacting you soon.

Plum and June

This week's complicated rules:
1.  Anyone who is participating or following along with the hop can add a link that is quilting or sewing-related.
2. Link up any sewing/quilting post you want from your blog.  When the link tool asks for your name, type in your favorite back to school supply.
3. If you have any current blog events, link them here as well - just put the name of the event when the link tool asks for your name.
4.  Please consider linking to this page from your blog (either a text link or the button) so others can join in as well.
5.  Please visit (at least) the person who links up before you and leave a comment to say hello!


  1. Congratulation on being a finalist. I just voted for you!

  2. Congratulations! I'm not surprised that you're a finalist.
    I just voted for you- Good luck!

  3. Beth,
    Good luck! I voted for you too. Fingers crossed you win!

  4. You deserve to be in that contest as what you made for your baby is gorgeous.

  5. Yay - go Beth.
    I saw the finalist and I had to pop over here {after I voted for you of course darl}
    Fingers crossed - I hope you win. That bundle of fabrics is divine.

  6. Yay, well done for making it to the final three! It's well deserved!

  7. Woo hoo!!! Congratulations! I just visited and voted for my favorite! (Pst, I voted for the activity quilt. ;))

  8. I'm so proud of you, Beth! And you know you have my vote... :)

  9. your nursery versery activity quilt is super cute!

  10. Congrats on being a finalist - I just voted too. Yours is super clever & unique! Good luck!

  11. So sorry to hear about your machine but hooray for being a finalist!! Congrats!

  12. Congratulations on being a finalist! How exciting!!

    Oh good luck with the sewing machine shopping - hope you find just what you're after!

  13. You totally have my vote :) In fact I already clicked over and voted for you! I am so sorry about your machine. I don't know if you are brand loyal at all but I love both of my janomes, in fact the only reason I got a new one was that I wanted to upgrade my old one. Both work great and are still in use :) I can't wait to see what you pick out! Good luck in the contest!!!

  14. I just voted for you!! The activity quilt is so adorable - it deserves to win!!

  15. Congratulation Beth - ho exciting to be a finalist :) You are so creative!

  16. Congratulations Beth that's fantastic!! It is super cute!
    congrats to Nat too :)

  17. Congratulations Beth!! Will go to vote in a minute... and obviously very happy to have won!!

  18. Good luck!!!! I will go vote now too :) It is so cute!! And sorry about your machine...such a bummer.


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