Friday, February 21, 2014

Tea Party Napkins

Remember this photo from a few weeks ago? Well, those tea parties are a regular occurence around here and since my 2 year old has two older sisters to help out with the planning and preparing, those tea parties are pretty involved! Anyway, guess I caught the bug because I noticed the other day that they didn't have napkins and well, look what I made! Placemats might be next.

However, I haven't yet been able to take a photo of them being used at a tea party because, of course, now that I made them, there has not been another tea party.  Instead it seems like my littlest has been spending most of her time in this corner of her room - so still using something I made!


  1. Those prints are just perfect for tea party napkins!

  2. So sweet! It's not every little girl who gets handmade napkins for her tea parties! I love that picture of her reading!!

  3. So sweet! I love little girl stuff. Been working on lots of little girl stuff around here too.

  4. Those are so sweet, what a fun idea. Also, we are big Rosie Revere fans over here! It's such a great book!

  5. The napkins are so sweet. I love those fabrics. And that reading corner is very cozy and inviting. Beautiful pillows.

  6. With three boys tea parties never featured in their playtime I am very jealous of your opportunity to rustle up those sweet napkins :)

  7. She has the poshest napkins for her tea parties. All her friends will be wanting some too.

  8. What a lovely picture. Is she so tiny or you are making giant cushions? :-)

  9. Awww! She looks so comfy! What a relaxing (and pretty) corner for reading in!

  10. Beautiful. My mom and I used to have tea parties together some saturday mornings. Tea and coloring books. I love the reading corner!

  11. So sweet especially the picture you captured of your littlest bookworm.

  12. So precious! Say curious what size are those pillows and how did you set up the "reading nook"? I am half thinking of doing something like that in my girls' rooms! Let me know. Thanks.

  13. Love the napkins! Those pillows are amazing too!

  14. I bet she will be looking for those napkins in the near future! Cute!! All those comfy bright pillows would be calling my name as well though;)

  15. She looks very sweet and relaxed : )

  16. Those are so sweet. Even though I have a 9 year old son now who wouldn't dream of having a tea party, I grew up with a sister and am the oldest of five granddaughters, and tea parties are a very fond memory of my childhood. I know I would have LOVED these!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  17. Love that picture of your daugther - I love the size of these cushions! I need them in my life!

  18. Beth, your photos are always so amazing. I love the shot of your little one!


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